Summer Solstice Celebration Circle at Muscle & Flow Milton
Wednesday June 21, 2023 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm
You're officially invited to our Summer Solstice Celebration Circle.
The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year; it is the pause between the inhale and the exhale of the universe. Let's celebrate the power of the sun and the momentum it brings to propel us into our highest vibrational and most aware season of our lives.
Come connect with like minded souls at our first annual Summer Solstice event. You will be accompanied by lightworkers, empaths, truth seekers, and other community members who are looking to gain a deeper connection with themselves, their soul, the earth, and those around them. During our Summer Solstice Celebration Circle event, we will experience...
- Guided Meditation
- Sharing Circle
- Channeling messages from the universe
- Reiki Healing
- Manifestation Ceremony to actualize the highest, best form of yourself
This event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and non-members are encouraged to join! To sign up, click the buttons I think live how are youbelow:
*MEMBERS - To use your Sudio class package, head to your Muscle & Flow app to reserve your spot.